Emergency Dentist 75035: How to Create a Dental Emergency Kit

Patient smiling while receiving complimentary bag

When a dental emergency strikes, you don’t want to waste time trying to track down the supplies you need. Just as it’s wise to have a first aid kit handy, you can put together a dental emergency kit to tide you over until you can see an emergency dentist in 75035. Here’s Hunt Family Dentistry’s simple guide to creating your own dental emergency kit and how to use it effectively.

Gauze Pads

We recommend having these on hand to control bleeding, keep the affected area clean, and apply pressure to a wound.

Gauze pads are especially handy if you lose your tooth. Since lost teeth can be reimplanted, one way to save a tooth is to place it back in the socket. You can then bite down on a gauze pad to help keep the tooth in place until you reach our 75035 emergency dentist for reimplantation. 

Small Tupperware

Have a small, clean container ready for storing any lost or broken teeth. When you lose a tooth and can’t put it back in its socket, milk or saliva is the best way to preserve it for reimplantation. As the Mayo Clinic explains, water can actually destroy the cells in your tooth root. Fill the container with the right liquid to protect your tooth until your appointment.

Dental Mirror

A mirror can help you see the back of your teeth and other hard-to-reach areas. This can be useful if you need to check for: 

If you notice anything unusual, contact Hunt Family Dentistry. We can help determine if your situation is an emergency and schedule you for an appointment. 

Pain Relievers

Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Do not put any medication directly on your gums or an injury, as it can cause more harm. 


These can be helpful for picking up lost teeth or broken pieces. Make sure you pick up a tooth by the crown rather than the roots. 

However, despite what the internet or your instincts might tell you, never use tweezers to remove foreign objects from your mouth or gums. Sharp tools can cause more damage or additional injuries. Let our 75035 emergency dentist handle the removal of anything that shouldn’t be there.

Cold Compress

If you have an infection, an impacted tooth, or just unexplained pain, a cold compress pressed on the outside of your cheek can help reduce swelling and numb the area until our emergency dentist in 75035 can take a look. 

A Kit Is No Replacement for a 75035 Emergency Dentist

While a dental emergency kit can be beneficial, it’s only meant to provide care that will hold you over until you see us. If you need the kit, you need us. Seek professional help from our emergency dentist in 75035 as soon as possible. Delaying professional treatment can lead to more severe complications. Reach out to Hunt Family Dentistry today if you have questions or need immediate care: (469) 269-0997.